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Selasa, 16 April 2013

Recipes Ayam Goreng Balado ( Balado Fried Chicken)

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Indonesian Food Recipes this time will share with you a recipe that called Padang food Ayam Goreng Balado. The tang of the Indonesian food is famous throughout dunia.Seperti delicacy to most other Indonesian cuisine food is also cooked with herbs that contain a lot of spices that will add a distinctive flavor strength. Balado Fried Chicken is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or for a party dish. Do you want to try to cook this menu at home? The following materials and how to cook it.


1 whole young chicken
Cooking oil to taste


5 pieces of red onion
Fruit Acid (take water) 3 tablespoons
Red pepper 2 ounces
2 pieces of red tomatoes
Turmeric (crushed) ½ tablespoon
½ teaspoon sugar
salt to taste

How to make:
- Chicken cleaned and cut. Marinate with turmeric and salt that has been refined.
- Crushed red pepper (coarse), red onions and tomatoes coarsely chopped.
- Fried chicken in the hot oil and set aside
- With the remaining oil to fry chicken, fried mashed Jace who had earlier, and then enter the sugar and tamarind water.
- Enter fried chicken, stir well so that the marinade is absorbed., And ready to serve
How? easy right? good luck and enjoy the delights of authentic Indonesian cuisine is.

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NAMA ANDA - 23.02

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